2ndGERMN junior
Madrid, Spain
13-14 April 2023

In 2021, the initiative to bring together young researchers dedicated to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance arose, so that they could get to know each other, establish a network of contacts and present and discuss their results with their peers. However, due to Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting was held online.

This year, the Specialized group of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (GERMN) of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) will be holding the 2nd NMR Symposium for young researchers in Madrid, Spain, on the 13th and 14th of April 2023.

We will meet in person at the Rocasolano Institute of Physical Chemistry (IQFR-CSIC), located in the heart of Madrid, it is a research center through which great figures of science in Spain have passed.

On behalf of the executive committee, we are pleased to invite you to attend the 2nd GERMN junior Symposium. Be an active part of this event!

We look forward to seeing you,

The executive committee

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Fees and Registration

Registration to 2nd GERMN Junior Symposium (13-14 April) includes conference and exhibition entrance, a cultural activity, coffee breaks and lunches. All participants are required to register through the online registration system.

Registration system: online registration.
Registration fee:

· GERMN members: Free
· Non-GERMN members: 50€

To become member of the GERMN, applicants should join the RSEQ, and then request incorporation to the GERMN. There are reduced fees for young members (25€)
RSEQ and GERMN Inscription

Location: Auditorium of the Rocasolano Institute of Physical Chemistry.

Everyone who registers will have the opportunity to give an oral communication

Important deadlines:

· Registration: 27-03-2023
· Abstract Submission: 03-04-2023

Accommodation is not included with the registration, the recommended hotels are:

- Apartahotel Avenida de América Tijcal
- AC Hotel Avenida de America
- Apartamentos Esentia Togumar
- Residencia de Estudiantes del CSIC

Members of the GERMN may also apply for aid covering travel expenses, for that they should follow the instructions provided on the GERMN website.

The following information will be required for the invoice:

- If the user is going to pay individually, they must fill in their personal data.
- If the user's institution is going to pay, they must fill in the information of the institution.

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Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the 2nd GERMN Junior Symposium is formed by eight young researchers, in different stages of their PhD or Post-Doctoral reasearch in the NMR field and one of the members of the GERMN board.

Rosa Antón García
Cristina Cabrero Fernández
Jaime Carrasco Castro
Dr. Belén Chaves Arquero
Protein NMR Nucleic Acids NMR Protein NMR Biomolecular NMR

Ricardo Alves Conde
Mariola Ferreras Gutiérrez
Paula Polonio García
Precision Medicine and Metabolism Biomolecular NMR Protein NMR

Dr. David Pantoja Uceda
Technical Manager of the NMR lab
GERMN Treasurer

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Abstract Submission

Author registration and abstract submission: At least one author of the abstract must register.

Everyone who registers will have the opportunity to give an oral communication. Presentations will have a maximum duration of 15 minutes: 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions.

Important deadlines:

· Registration: 27-03-2023
· Abstract Submission: 03-04-2023

The abstract file cannot exceed 10MB, please, use the following template: Abstract Template

Authors are asked to select the topic more closely related with the research described and state it in the abstract they send. Authors can choose the following topics:

1.- Biomacromolecules
2.- Solid-state NMR
3.- Metabolomics
4.- Small molecules
5.- Applied NMR

Name the abstract following this structure: Name_Surname_2023. Accepted file extensions are .pdf, .odt, .doc and .docx. Make sure the subject of the email follows this structure: Abstract Topic Number from Name Surname.

Prizes will be awarded to the best presentations

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Book of Abstracts

You can downnload here the book with all the abstracts that will be presented in the 2nd GERMN junior symposium: Book of Abstracts

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Invited Lectures

Two scientists who have consolidated their scientific careers in the field of NMR, will explain their different trajectories, along with the decisions and obstacles they faced to get to where they are now.

Dr. Laura Castañar Acedo
University of Manchester
NMR Methodology Group
Dr. Rodrigo Carbajo
The Janssen Pharmaceutical
Principal Scientist


If you have any question... Just ask!

The executive committee will be happy to help you with anything they can. We look forward to hearing from you.


The executive committee appreciates the contribution made by the following companies to be able to carry out this symposium.